Safe distributes thousands of pounds of food each month, some of which comes from donated items from farms, businesses, churches, and individuals just like you!
Below are some of the items we always need, and details on how you can arrange dropoff of your donation.

Non-Perishable Items
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Canned Meats
Canned Fruits
Canned Vegetables
Crackers, Snack Foods
Mac and Cheese
Hamburger Helper
Muffin Mixes

Perishable Items
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Meat (ground beef, chicken, hot dogs, etc.)
Frozen pizzas and entrees

Non-Food Items
SAFE also gladly accepts these non-food household staples.​
Laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies
Soap, shampoo, lotion
Paper towels
Kleenex & Toilet Paper
Pet food – dog and cat food
Small food non-perishable donations can be dropped off at Safe in the drop box outside the front door.
For larger donations and perishable items, please call us at 336.525.2120, or email
A good rule of thumb:
Donate items you would love to receive!